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Monday, July 16, 2012
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Am Alone...
Am nearly dead now,
Are you asking how?
Its pouring down on me like rain.
Friends are gone,
And left me all alone,
Thinks that were born with me.
Kill me
Ha ha I was such a cow when I was two
A cow that don't say moo!
I have been a torture for people
Even on my arrival
I no longer belong in this world
There is no cure for me
O god just take me away,
Would you please?
Thursday, July 12, 2012

As the water flow from the river to the sea
continuously shaping, changing,
they affect all they touch...
For what has Lain dormant for so very long,
until your gentle, loving words,
which mean so much...
Caused a river of love to burst forth.
It awakened my heart, my love to a new life.
A life that may never find peace
but in your loving arms...
As the mountains, reveres and waterfalls become one
so must we..
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Kalenja is a traditional dance form practiced in Tulu Nadu, and
kasaragod district, India. It is a traditional dance which is typically
performed during the monsoon months of July and August.
As part
of the ritual, a person dresses up in the form of a bhuta "spirit"
known as Kalenja. Then, the Bhuta and his assistant, a drummer, go
around the village and dance in front of homes. The householders reward them with rice, coconuts, etc.
It is believed that honoring the Kalenja in this manner will rid the
village of all evil spirits. Kalenja is believed to be the protector of
the village(s) from evil spirits. Hence the impersonator of Kalenja is
welcomed by the villagers during the rainy season. The persons adorning
the role of Kalenja are typically from a community called Nalike. The
costume of Kalenja consists of coconut leaves, colorful dresses and a
cap made of areca spate.
Monday, July 9, 2012
Junk Food TV Ads ~ Is your Child Watching?
According to network rules that regulate British TV, sex scenes are
kept off the airwaves until after nine PM in order to protect children
from their influence. The results of a recent study conducted by
researchers by the University of Liverpool are now prompting calls for
similar restrictions on food advertisements.
Young children exposed to ads for unhealthy food products may show a tendency to consume unhealthy foods in higher amounts and may face an increased risk of obesity and associated health problems.
Children between the ages of six and thirteen were shown ten advertisements for junk food. After watching the ads, the children were provided with a questionnaire in which they were asked to choose between three food options. The options were described as “high fat, high carbohydrate”, “high protein,” and “low energy.” The high protein options included items like roast chicken. The low energy options included items like salad.
After answering the questions, the children were then shown a series of ten advertisements for toys and presented with a similar questionnaire.
The results of the study suggest that children exposed to unhealthy food ads (as opposed to toy ads) are far more likely to show unhealthy eating preferences. These effects were especially pronounced among study subjects who typically watched more than 21 hours of TV per week.
As they made these unhealthy selections, the children did not discriminate based on brand. According to lead researcher Dr. Emma Boy-land, this was one of the most worrisome results of the survey.
“The unhealthy options we gave them after the adverts were not the same as those which were featured in the adverts,” said Boy-land. “This suggests that children are encouraged to eat bad food in general, which is worse.”
Existing network rules already outlaw junk food advertising on dedicated children’s channels and on programs directly targeted to children under the age of nine. The findings of this study are now leading scientists like Boy-land to push for new restrictions that would keep junk food ads limited until a watershed of nine PM.
Like the U.S., Britain is facing what many describe as an obesity epidemic. According the British Department of Health, almost one in ten six year olds and fifteen percent of fifteen year olds in England are currently classified as obese.
“We really need to be careful about when these adverts are being shown,” says Boyland. “A watershed for junk food adverts would ensure that they are banned from not just children’s programs during the day but programs shown at night where families view them together. Parents also need to limit their children’s screen time and talk to them about the motives behind advertising.”
Eat @ your own risk
Junk food is bad for health. Its definition tells its inner story- food that is high on calories and saturated fat but low on nutritions. Junk food is all about pleasure and empty calories. So, the world is worried. It is now linked to the growing epidemic of non- communicable disease - the 'fat' problem. Every ailment from heart disease to hypertension and diabetes is linked to how one eats and how one exercises.
Junk food become the world's biggest health headache. And some governments are taking action- banning junk food advertisements in children's programmes, removing it from schools and even imposing a fat tax. Sugar, salt and fat are items that need to be regulated. This means governments have to step in to control the powerful processed food industry.
But this is not happening in India. it believes food industry has full privilege to sell anything - and kill people slowly and sweetly. So, the Pollution Monitoring Laboratory of the Center for Science and Environment, a non- profit in Delhi, decided to investigate the food people love to eat- everything from chips to bhajji and instant noodles to burgers. All the food that is sold to us through persuasive and glamorous adments; all the food that our film & cricket stars tell us to eat. The laboratory checked for fats, crabs, salt & trans fats. The result are deadly and damning.
Eat @ your own risk, is the message.
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