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Monday, November 4, 2013
Friday, September 27, 2013
Friday, August 23, 2013
On Leisure and Unaffordable Trends
By: Anupriya Trikkannad
Frequenting malls, pubs, and cafes is the concept of leisure today.
Most of us are familiar with the concept of demand and supply and how
they are correlated. the number of malls in our country is on the rise
and if it were to be studied carefully one would realize that a large
number of people who frequent the malls are youngsters. to keep up with
the competition each malls offers something more, something new and
something similar, yet very different from the rest.
The experience of conversation over tables filled with a variety of
food and an assortment of beverages and the ambiance of a huge space
bustling with different people is something that is priceless. Not to
say that window shopping with friends and discussing myriad things from
new trends in clothing to the latest arrival in the gadget world, is
something less valued.
Books used to be a great source of entertainment, perhaps it still is
for some, but fewer people are involved in reading today. Also, one does
not have to read a book and take the trouble to visualize the story;
movies make it a lot easier. Nearly every famous book is made into a
Multiplexes are something we cannot do without. The experience of a
movie being played on a big screen and your friends next to you, sharing
the highs and lows of the movies is something that cannot be missed.
And, the idiot box has become an integral part of our leisure and non-
leisure time. It is a family member.
Int addition to this, technology has blessed us with several boons.
Today, we find that mobile phones are one of the biggest source of
entertainment. Computers changed the way we deal with information and
with the advent of the Internet, very little remains unknown. The world
is offered to us in one click.
Adding to our bag of goddies are the gaming accessories. Games, which
were physically played once, are played in the virtual world now and we
are spared from the hassle of physical exertion and the heat of the sun.
It is probably too late for us to make some changes in these patterns
of leisure we follow. If we continue with the pace we are keeping,
leisure in future would be a luxury in every sense of the word. i fear
we might not even be able to afford it one day. Would it be too late for
us then to use a pencil or read a print book?
Monday, July 29, 2013
A Lesson By The Dead
She had known all along that it was all over because she had seen him walking towards a perilous cliff. It all came back to her then; when all those times he had come to her with troubled looks, she was too concerned about her big date. All those times he cursed himself for doing it all wrong, she was too busy finishing her work right. All those terrifying nightmares he had, all his broken relationships, all the hints of suicide, his slightly scary need for comfort, the times he cried and complained about his unfair life, she was too busy living hers to the fullest.
Why had she not saved his life? What made her withdraw? She had decided to save him, but had cold feet and her instincts told otherwise. She knew she would only be heightening his miseries by saving him. The only way to help him was by releasing his caged soul from the mortal body. She had done a good deed and he had suffered way too much. She had to let him free. He was her best friend and she felt indebted to him. Then why did she feel so miserable? The rawness of the pain inside made her go numb. How ever much she dreaded it and denied the truth, It was plain: she had killed him! No, she had not: Yes, she had!
"I am loosing my mind." she thought. Inhaling deeply, she got up gingerly only to get a full view of the cold face of the deceased. She felt faint but caught herself just in time. To her right his mum sobbed on her husband's shoulder. For the first time, she realised that she had not only robbed a friend from another, but also a son from his parents. But did his parents really love him?
They never called him on his birthday nor did they send him a Christmas card. All they did was put money into his account and occasionally send him a post card to remaind him of their lavish trips.
Money can never buy love and the example was right in front of her. How he had longed for their huge and wishes, how he had waited for their calls. When neither arrived, he had simply shrugged and gone into hibernation. Teary eyed, she looked at his still body and sent a silent prayer for his soul to rest in eternal peace.
The elegance of people's attires caught her attention as she walked out of the church. One looked more expensive than the other. Men with sleek leather shoes and women in perfectly shaped pumps- all in shades of black. She had not bothered to dress up because she was at a funeral after all, not attending a ball. At the entrance she stood, slowly taking in memory the funeral of her only best friend.
She wondered, Don't the people gathered here realise that one day they will also be attended just like this? people bicker and fight, mock and kill, betray and cheat solely for materialistic pleasures which they will leave behind when they die. All her life she had struggled to get the best, only to realise how momentary those things were.
This reminded her of all the things her best friend had left behind. She would not hold on to it: " No," she decided. They would only remind her of him every waking second of her life and silently torment her. Charity! Yes that's rght. They would all go to the needy.
Laws of nature work in strange ways, she thought. When Mother Nature decides to teach you something she teaches you the hard way. Life and death are also a part of the universe. The only difference- one brings happiness, the other grief. But either way life goes on. She had seen and learnt enough. Be it the hard way, but she would leave a changed person. A dead man had taught her how to live. Wondering at the irony, she slowly turned and walked home.
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Ruining recipes to Refresh Taste Buds
Ever fancied having an Italian pizza with a Butter Chicken topping or an American Burger with a chutney base? confused? welcome to the world of "fusion food".
It is basically said to have started in the 70's by Wolfgang puck and went on to become a world wide movement. Fusion cuisine, a blend of European and Asian cuisines, has now become popular in some countries, which include India and China. It has gained both notoriety and good fame.A typical English omlette was converted to have a stuffing of Onions, potatoes and sausages to make the Spanish Omlette! Remove the sausages, throw in a few chillies and coriander leaves and you would have made the Indian masala omlette! Try mixing some Japanese wasabi (an extremely spicy derivative of radish) along with Ceaser Salad to make a spicy yet tasty salad.
the most famous yet flawed form of fusion food in India is the "local" Chinese food! believe it or not but Chilly Chicken and Chicken Manchurian are not available in China. The founder of the Chicken Manchurian, Chef Nelson from Delhi, admits that he had rename the dish to Chicken Manchurian from Chicken Nelson as the old name did not sell much. No sooner did he changed the name to Chicken Manchurian than people developed a craving for it.
While some Chef consider fusion foods to be a playground to bring out their greative masterpieces, most think otherwise. They feel that thi fashion of fusing and experimenting have ruined original recipes.
Be it the Chilly Chicken lasagne or the Schezwan Masala dosa, I cane call myself a victim of fusion food and I belive that thay are a refreshing change from the otherwise monotonus normal cuisine.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Spend thrift
By: Anupriya Trikkannad
Mother tought her child
'A' for an apple
An apple for a day
And be healthy.
Today ,
Mother teache her child
'A' for an apple
Don't waste apple
It's scares and presious.
Mother gona teach her child
What's an apple
How it looks and tastes.
Its all becouse of our lifestyle
our leisure, spendthrift
What's tomorrow ?
Who knows..its uncertain!
Guys this is the era of technology and science. So
anything and everything is possible! One of the reasant exaplie is
that the agents of fertility clinics are luring teenaged boys into
sperm donation through call girls and earn money. Hey, its in our
country guys! Case registerd in Chennai... what a technological
development right.
Monday, June 17, 2013
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Indian Food and Biodiversity
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Food |
Food is personal. We know that what we often don't realize is that food is also more than personal. It is also about culture and, most importantly, about biodiversity. We often do not think how the flora and fauna around us make up our culture. We do not think that food diversity indeed cultural diversity, is linked to diversity in the biological world.
As a result, we often do not value this biodiversity that grows in the farm, the forest and the lake and the ocean. Each region of India, indeed the world is diverse in its food habits. It has its own recipes; it cooks with different ingredients; it eats differently. This is not an accident.
Every region, for instance
, has its own rice variety. Many of these come with medical properties. Most are specific to the ecosystem they grow in. If the region is drought- prone, the variety survives in tough conditions.Monday, June 3, 2013
Saturday, June 1, 2013
എൻ ജീവിതം
അനുപ്രിയ തൃക്കണ്ണാട്
ജീവിത യാത്രയിൽ ഞാൻപോലും അറിയാതെ
എന്നിൽ സംശയത്തിൻ കരിനിഴൽ വീണു
പാപത്തിൻ കയത്തിൽ വഴുതി വീഴവെ
എന്നിൽ പാപത്തിൻ കരിനിഴലും വീണു...
പിന്നീടെപ്പോഴോ കുറ്റബോധത്തിൻ നാളം തെളിയവെ
പൊട്ടിയ പട്ടംപോൽ ആയെൻ ജീവിതം
കാലത്തിന് ഒഴുക്കിലെൻ ജീവന്
ദേഷ്യമാം സഹയാത്രികനെ കൂട്ടുപിടിച്ചു
പിന്നീടുള്ള എൻ യാത്രകളത്രയും
ദേഷ്യമാം സഹയാത്രികാന്റെ വഴിയെയായി
ആതാ കട്ടെ എന്നെ കാണാക്കയത്തിലാക്കി ...
ഒരിക്കലും ഒരുതിരിച്ചുവരവില്ലാത്തത്രയും കയത്തിൽ....
Friday, May 31, 2013
On Leisure and Unaffordable Trends
By: Anupriya Trikkannad
Frequenting malls, pubs, and cafes is the concept of leisure today. Most of us are familiar with the concept of demand and supply and how they are correlated. the number of malls in our country is on the rise and if it were to be studied carefully one would realize that a large number of people who frequent the malls are youngsters. to keep up with the competition each malls offers something more, something new and something similar, yet very different from the rest.
The experience of conversation over tables filled with a variety of food and an assortment of beverages and the ambiance of a huge space bustling with different people is something that is priceless. Not to say that window shopping with friends and discussing myriad things from new trends in clothing to the latest arrival in the gadget world, is something less valued.
Books used to be a great source of entertainment, perhaps it still is for some, but fewer people are involved in reading today. Also, one does not have to read a book and take the trouble to visualize the story; movies make it a lot easier. Nearly every famous book is made into a movie.
Multiplexes are something we cannot do without. The experience of a movie being played on a big screen and your friends next to you, sharing the highs and lows of the movies is something that cannot be missed. And, the idiot box has become an integral part of our leisure and non- leisure time. It is a family member.
Int addition to this, technology has blessed us with several boons. Today, we find that mobile phones are one of the biggest source of entertainment. Computers changed the way we deal with information and with the advent of the Internet, very little remains unknown. The world is offered to us in one click.
Adding to our bag of goddies are the gaming accessories. Games, which were physically played once, are played in the virtual world now and we are spared from the hassle of physical exertion and the heat of the sun.
It is probably too late for us to make some changes in these patterns of leisure we follow. If we continue with the pace we are keeping, leisure in future would be a luxury in every sense of the word. i fear we might not even be able to afford it one day. Would it be too late for us then to use a pencil or read a print book?
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
എന്റെ സ്വഭാവത്തിനു ഒരു stability ഉം എല്ലാ..... എന്തൊക്കെ വിജരിക്കുന്നുവോ യെന്ദു ചെയ്യണം എന്ന് തീരുമാനിക്കുന്നുവോ അതൊന്നും നടപ്പിലാക്കാൻ എന്നെ കൊണ്ട് സാധിക്കാറില്ല . ഇനി മറിച് മുന്കൂടി തീരുമാനിക്കാതെ പെട്ടെന്ന് ചെയ്യുന്ന പലകാര്യങ്ങളും നല്ല രീതിയിൽ നടപ്പിലാകാനും നല്ല result ഉണ്ടാകാനും കഴിഞ്ഞു .... അദാ ഞാൻ പറഞ്ഞെ എന്ടെ സ്വഭാവത്തിന് stability ഇല്ല എന്ന് ....
കുറെ നാളായി വിജാരിക്കുന്നു blogging ചെയ്യണം എന്ന് . But unfortunately ഒന്നും കാര്യമായി write ചെയ്യാൻ പറ്റാറില്ല . ഇനി അങ്ങനെ time കിട്ടിയാൽ തന്നെ system തിന്ടെ front ഇൽ ഇരിക്കുമ്പോൾ blogg ചെയ്യാൻ ഉദ്ദേശിച്ച കാര്യം വിട്ടുപോഗും ...ക്കഷ്tam തന്നെ എന്ടെ കാര്യം ...
എനിക്ക് എന്ടെ life നെ കുറിച്ച blogg ചെയ്യണം എന്നുണ്ട് . എന്താ നിങ്ങളുടെ അഭിപ്രായം? ഒന്ന് അറിയിക്കാമോ.... please ഇതൊരു request ആണ് കേട്ടോ ......
വായിക്കാൻ ആളുന്ടെങ്ങിലെ ഞാൻ തുടങ്ങു .... അദാ .
please comment ചെയ്യില്ലേ????
എന്നെ കുറിച്ച ബ്ലോഗ് വായനക്കാരായ നിങ്ങള്ക്ക് എന്നെ കുറിച്ച കൂടുതൽ അരിയനമെങ്ങിൽ മതി കെറ്റൊ.....
കുറെ നാളായി വിജാരിക്കുന്നു blogging ചെയ്യണം എന്ന് . But unfortunately ഒന്നും കാര്യമായി write ചെയ്യാൻ പറ്റാറില്ല . ഇനി അങ്ങനെ time കിട്ടിയാൽ തന്നെ system തിന്ടെ front ഇൽ ഇരിക്കുമ്പോൾ blogg ചെയ്യാൻ ഉദ്ദേശിച്ച കാര്യം വിട്ടുപോഗും ...ക്കഷ്tam തന്നെ എന്ടെ കാര്യം ...
എനിക്ക് എന്ടെ life നെ കുറിച്ച blogg ചെയ്യണം എന്നുണ്ട് . എന്താ നിങ്ങളുടെ അഭിപ്രായം? ഒന്ന് അറിയിക്കാമോ.... please ഇതൊരു request ആണ് കേട്ടോ ......
വായിക്കാൻ ആളുന്ടെങ്ങിലെ ഞാൻ തുടങ്ങു .... അദാ .
please comment ചെയ്യില്ലേ????
എന്നെ കുറിച്ച ബ്ലോഗ് വായനക്കാരായ നിങ്ങള്ക്ക് എന്നെ കുറിച്ച കൂടുതൽ അരിയനമെങ്ങിൽ മതി കെറ്റൊ.....
India is one of the biggest democratic country in the world. Unity in diversity is our legacy mantra......but that democratic diplomacy ruined the life of lesser people( backward) from rural area.....on the other hand unity in diversity slashed life of rural backward community in India..............
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Now, there is no problem in being bold on screen, especially when you
have an 'Adults Only' tag to bank on. But the question is how do you
define “boldness”?
By doping like there is no tomorrow, adding expletives in every line, showing women (and not to forget men) in skimpy outfits or with the mandatory shootouts involving dumb gangsters? All these can be useful in the process but even then, the basic requirement for a decent entertainer is an engaging narration. And that's exactly where debutant director Vinay Govind's Kili Poyi falters. Yes, am talking about 'U/A' certified movie 'Kili Poyi'.
After watching this film
any ones kili poyo?
Chacko (Asif Ali) and Hari (Aju Varghese) are two lazy youngsters, who are desperately looking for a break from their toil at the office and most importantly from their ruthless boss, Radhika (Sandra Thomas).
The two go for a trip to Goa citing some flimsy reason at the office to have some naughty fun. The duo try everything that they are looking for, from beaches, women, booze to drugs. And as it happens in most stories, they get a bag full of cocaine by mistake and their troubles start from then on.
Evidently inspired from the Harold & Kumar series, Delhi Belly and several other films already made in a variety of languages, Kili Poyiends up not even interesting as the 1991 Malayalam comedy Mimics Parade that narrated an almost similar theme. With nothing much happening on the story front, the focus is to keep the viewers hooked with some mad actions and dialogues.
To make things exciting, the makers have resorted to an easy trick, which is a common practice in Malayalam these days. They have added some superb comedy scenes from yesteryear hits like Boeing Boeing, Nadodikkaattu, Pattanapravesham and Akkare Akkare Akkare to spice up the mood.
In all fairness, scenarists Joseph Kurian, Vivek Ranjith and director Vinay Govind have made things look chic with some superb visuals by Pradeesh Varma and nice music by Rahul Raj. Though there are some interesting moments here and there, in the whole the effort by the team is only partly successful.
One of the main drawbacks of the film is the performance of the film's cast. Asif Ali, who has never made a real impression as an actor, is this time better when compared to Aju Varghese's pretty ordinary show. And that is no great reason to be happy about.
Sandra Thomas could easily win the award for the worst performance by an actress on Malayalam screen during recent times. The rest of the cast including Sampath, Sreejith Ravi and Ravindran try everything to add to the buffoonery.
But then it is indeed startling that of late, the jokes in Malayalam movies are mainly limited to booze, infidelity, expletives and sex, which are aimed perhaps at a section of the 'pseudo-urbanized' minority. Here things go even further with the two leads and all their friends smoking pot like having another glass of tea.
Even with the 'A' certificate, Kili Poyi is mostly offensive and perhaps aimed at those who think perversion is fun. That is all about individual preferences but here, the film is far from exciting!
By doping like there is no tomorrow, adding expletives in every line, showing women (and not to forget men) in skimpy outfits or with the mandatory shootouts involving dumb gangsters? All these can be useful in the process but even then, the basic requirement for a decent entertainer is an engaging narration. And that's exactly where debutant director Vinay Govind's Kili Poyi falters. Yes, am talking about 'U/A' certified movie 'Kili Poyi'.
After watching this film
any ones kili poyo?
Chacko (Asif Ali) and Hari (Aju Varghese) are two lazy youngsters, who are desperately looking for a break from their toil at the office and most importantly from their ruthless boss, Radhika (Sandra Thomas).
The two go for a trip to Goa citing some flimsy reason at the office to have some naughty fun. The duo try everything that they are looking for, from beaches, women, booze to drugs. And as it happens in most stories, they get a bag full of cocaine by mistake and their troubles start from then on.
Evidently inspired from the Harold & Kumar series, Delhi Belly and several other films already made in a variety of languages, Kili Poyiends up not even interesting as the 1991 Malayalam comedy Mimics Parade that narrated an almost similar theme. With nothing much happening on the story front, the focus is to keep the viewers hooked with some mad actions and dialogues.
To make things exciting, the makers have resorted to an easy trick, which is a common practice in Malayalam these days. They have added some superb comedy scenes from yesteryear hits like Boeing Boeing, Nadodikkaattu, Pattanapravesham and Akkare Akkare Akkare to spice up the mood.
In all fairness, scenarists Joseph Kurian, Vivek Ranjith and director Vinay Govind have made things look chic with some superb visuals by Pradeesh Varma and nice music by Rahul Raj. Though there are some interesting moments here and there, in the whole the effort by the team is only partly successful.
One of the main drawbacks of the film is the performance of the film's cast. Asif Ali, who has never made a real impression as an actor, is this time better when compared to Aju Varghese's pretty ordinary show. And that is no great reason to be happy about.
Sandra Thomas could easily win the award for the worst performance by an actress on Malayalam screen during recent times. The rest of the cast including Sampath, Sreejith Ravi and Ravindran try everything to add to the buffoonery.
But then it is indeed startling that of late, the jokes in Malayalam movies are mainly limited to booze, infidelity, expletives and sex, which are aimed perhaps at a section of the 'pseudo-urbanized' minority. Here things go even further with the two leads and all their friends smoking pot like having another glass of tea.
Even with the 'A' certificate, Kili Poyi is mostly offensive and perhaps aimed at those who think perversion is fun. That is all about individual preferences but here, the film is far from exciting!
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Is this wht we called Vision?
Some 'eyes' have the courage to see beyond,
into the domain of the future.
Unravelling what is not, but will be.
Human progress owes largely
to the power of visions that bravely foretell
the shape of things to come.
transforming human society forever...
into the domain of the future.
Unravelling what is not, but will be.
Human progress owes largely
to the power of visions that bravely foretell
the shape of things to come.
transforming human society forever...
Monday, February 18, 2013
Now I realized one thing which I left behind;
as a snake is left by its old skin, that one thing no more exists in me,
which had accompanied me till now and used to be a part of my life.
I looked around, as if I was seeing the world for the first time.. world is more beautiful, colourful, strange and mysterious for me..its blue, yellow, green..the sky and river flowed, the forest and the mountains were rigid..all of it is beautiful, all of it is mysterious and magical....
I looked around, as if I was seeing the world for the first time.. world is more beautiful, colourful, strange and mysterious for me..its blue, yellow, green..the sky and river flowed, the forest and the mountains were rigid..all of it is beautiful, all of it is mysterious and magical....
Something very secret!!!
Does sperms have religion o something!!!?
I don't think so! because sperms have no religion, no nationality and no sense of shame; they are born egg-hunters, and they will wiggle and stoop to conquer without fear or favour..
I don't think so! because sperms have no religion, no nationality and no sense of shame; they are born egg-hunters, and they will wiggle and stoop to conquer without fear or favour..
Sunday, February 17, 2013
My thoughts..
Its strange but has immense Psychological insight in it, because this is what the modern psychology finds, that every man is looking for his mother in the women, and every women is looking for father in the man.
This is what one of the reason for marriage failure I guess You cannot find your mother. The women you have married has not come to your house to be your mother; she wants to be your wife, a lover
This is what one of the reason for marriage failure I guess You cannot find your mother. The women you have married has not come to your house to be your mother; she wants to be your wife, a lover
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Indian Dance
Indian Dance
Dance in India has a specific & sentimental background. A historical and developmental study of the art of dance in India would call for a complex enquiry involving several disciplines. In the development of Indian dance the literature, sculptural art and music have played an important role. This inter -relationship is well represented in the dialogues between King Vajra and Markandeya in the Vishnudharmottara Purana which represents that how the sage to teach the at of iconography after having the knowledge of painting dance, rhythms or instrumental or vocal music. Through the history of classical Indian art particularly sculpture and literature it is possible to put together a fairly continuous social and technical history of dance.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Bharata Natyam
Its a classical Indian dance form originating in South Indian state of Tamil Nadu. This dance form denotes various 19th and 20th century reconstruction of Sadir, the art of temple dancers. Sadir in turn is derived from ancient dance form that includes some acrobatic karanas. Bharata Natyam is usually accompanied by carnatic music. It has its inspirations from the sculptures of the ancient temple of Chidambaram ,. Bharata Natyam, as the name depicts is the combination of 'Bha'- bhavam( means expression), 'Ra'- ragam- (means music), 'Tha'- thalam(means beat or rhythm), 'Natyam'- (means dance) in Tamil.
For me depression is when you hate everyone aroundis when you don't want to make a sound
is when all you want to do is cry
is when you feel like you’re dying inside
is when your thoughts wonder all the time
is when you can't sleep even though you’re tired
is when you don't want to go on
is when you can't stop shaking outside
is when you hide who you are
is when you put on a mask to hide what you feel
is when you feel weak all the time
is when you give in to everything around
is when you don't care what happens anymore
depression is just another day in my life that will forever remain
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